Monday, January 7, 2013

Gallery Wall: The Beginning

I've been wanting a gallery wall in my house for years.  YEARS, people!
When I was fifteen I started taping and tacking up all sorts of band posters, ticket stubs, etc., until I had an entire wall that was wallpapered in scenester awesomeness.

I miss that wall.

I am, unfortunately, well past the age where taping ticket stubs to a wall is an acceptable form of decor, and the task of choosing and purchasing frames, artwork, and then putting holes in the wall was feeling pretty daunting.

Enter a Visa gift card I got for Christmas!

I took my happy tail down to Target and invested in the first frames for the gallery wall I've been planning to hang over the love seat in our living room since we moved in.

Procrastination much?

I've included a print I bought at a local craft show, some Instagram photos I took a while back, and I've got some wedding photos I need to print out.  

I definitely want to add more frames, and some more artwork, but just having taken this first step has me all excited!

I think Ryan is just relieved I'm finally hanging something up on that "big blank wall over there."

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